Lomba 2010 - Lomba Menulis DISKURSUS HIV Dan AIDS

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JOTHI - Jaringan Orang Terinfeksi HIV Indonesia, is an organization with legal entity form associations, which are formed through the National Conference of Orang Terinfeksi HIV Indonesia (Musyawarah Nasional Orang Terinfeksi HIV Indonesia). In order to increase the involvement of individuals to embody the aspirations, views, ideas, and criticism, in handling HIV and AIDS in Indonesia. JOTHI (Jaringan Orang Trinfeksi HIV Indonesia), as a national organization of "Orang Trinfeksi HIV", has focused on to control of public policy, related to HIV and AIDS treatment.

In connection with it, JOTHI held a writing competition called "Lomba Menulis DISKURSUS HIV Dan AIDS".

This Writing Competition is expected also to be a container aspirations, thoughts and opinions of the author of HIV and AIDS treatment, so that it can be published through electronic media, JOTHI.


Terms and conditions:

1. Writing competition open to all individuals (college students, activists, researchers, observers, journalists, professionals, etc.).

2. Participants must be aged 17 years or older.

3. Writing competition will be conducted for 6 months (6 terms).

4. Winner announcement will be made every month on the 28th (every term).

5. For the winner of each month, Champion 1 @ Rp 500,000 .-, A Champion 2 @ Rp 300.000, -, Champion 3 @ Rp 200.000, --

6. For the monthly period (every term) at the latest article must be received by the committee on the 25th of each month.

7. Paper at least 1000 words and 3000 words maximum (if less than or exceed the provisions, then the writing will be disqualified) and themes that went beyond writing a monthly frames, will be disqualified.

8. Paper included in the race, has not been published / contested.

9. Participants must submit complete data themselves or CV and tel number / HP that can be reached.

10. Paper Format in the form of Word sent via email or on CD and sent to the National Secretariat JOTHI. (Does not receive a hardcopy)

11. All the paper that went into JOTHI right of publicity

12. Theme : · first month (February 2010) - "Pelibatan orang terinfeksi HIV dalam penanggulangan HIV dan AIDS di Indonesia, objek ataukah subjek..?".

* The second month (March 2010) - "Reformasi Program penanggulangan HIV dan AIDS".
* Third month (April 2010) - "HAM dan orang terinfeksi HIVs".
* Fourth month (May 2010) - "Kebijakan kesehatan masyarakat versus kebijakan klinis; mana yang utama..?".
* Fifth month (June 2010) - "Sistim perwakilan masyarakat sipil dalam penanggulangan HIV dan AIDS di Indonesia; siapa dan bagaimana..?".
* Sixth month (July 2010) - "Jaringan ; menjaring atau berjejaring?”.

Sent via:

Email: diskursus.jothi @ gmail.com

Panitia Lomba Menulis DISKURSUS PROGRAM HIV dan AIDS di Indonesia
JL. Matraman Dalam 2 No.4

Jakarta Pusat

More Info here : jothi.or.id

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