Tips Berhenti Merokok Cepat Dan Mudah

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Tips Berhenti Merokok Cepat Dan Mudah. Apart from self-motivation, smokers who want to quit also need the support of the surrounding environment. According to a psychiatric specialist, Dr. T Tribowo Ginting, at least there are five things you can do to support smokers who want to quit.

1. Clean the house from the attributes of cigarettes, such as packs of cigarettes, ashtrays, and matches. Then, take your fellow smokers not to smoke in front of smokers want to quit.

2. Be patient, especially in the first 1-2 weeks.

3. Give lots of praise and appreciation to those who want to quit smoking. "Respect the decision of those who want to quit, celebrate when they succeed in 1-2 weeks.

Tips Berhenti Merokok Cepat Dan Mudah

4. Take time to listen to the outpouring of hearts and feelings of smokers trying to quit.

5. Divert the attention of smokers with their busy like taking a walk or do physical activities like sports at the times he usually smoked. Or use candies.

6. Most importantly, Reassure smokers that they are able to stop or reduce nicotine consumption habits.

Hopefully these Tips Berhenti Merokok Cepat Dan Mudah can help you to help your friend quit smoking.

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riocoolbgt said...

sudah jelas rokok berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia..
di kemasan rokok juga sudah tertulis "merokok dapat menyebabkan serangan jantung,impotensi, dll........."
tapi kenapa masih banyak yang merokok yah...??


dodi said...

info nya bagus, semoga para smoker bisa berhenti dan menjaga kesehatan badannya ;)

Cara berhenti merokok said...

Mantap gan artikelnya, walaupun english tp mudah2an saya bisa menangkap isinya.

tq sharenya...

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